The meeting of two, the miracle of three more. God's handiwork that we adore.

We are a family of a Daddy Bee, Mommy Bee, Super Bee, Princess Bee, and Cuddle Bee.
Daddy Bee ~ Lovable, hardworking, dedicated, Daddy to the colony.
Mommy Bee ~ The tired looking bee with a smile that always has time for cuddles and hugs.
Super Bee ~ Super smart bee with super energy and super cuddler.
Princess Bee ~ Spunky yet sweet princess bee with attitude.
Cuddle Bee ~ Lovable, cuddly, physical little bee.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

It's been a while, I know.. but with my growing fan club topping out at zero still, it didn't seem exactly urgent that I rush back and post my thoughts on the deep topics of life. So, I'm here anyway. Why? To what purpose is this blogging stuff I've started? Is there any reason at all for this? Anywho, less pressing and deep thoughts involve, what's for breakfast? I will ponder that now as I head to bed. Sleep tight big world out there. God watch over you and keep you safe. .

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Dear Diary...

I may as well utilize this as my diary, for lack of interest by the outside world. C'est la vie.

As for my day today, I spent a majority of it trying to teach a five-year-old how to multiply. It was actually quite fun for both of us! I don't love math, so it was interesting to say the least. I love how patient my little guy is with me when I'm trying to explain something that he is truly interested in. We actually bonded over his Wrap-Ups Mastering Multiplication in Ten Days workbook. He told me it is the 'funbook' though, not a workbook. Here's to that half-full glass! I love you, Super Bee!

Monday, May 10, 2010

Mother's Day was superb. My doting hubby surprised me with a minivan. Thank you, Jesus! I can now tote kiddos to homeschooling functions without throwing out my back. Durangos are nice but hard for petite moms to hoist kids in and out of. I am now soccer-mom extraordinaire.
My lovely Mother's Day was further enhanced by Super Bee giving his mommom, his sister and me tulips from the front yard. Yikes for an avid gardener, but with my non-gardening skills, these were very loved.
Then my wonderful mom and dad watched the kidlets to allow for my husband and I to traipse around the mall where I was spoiled further by Captain Wonderful. So, thank you, mom and dad for enduring the bouncing bumblebee trio and thank you, hubby dear, for the wonderful Mother's Day. Life is grand in the land of mommydom.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

I'm a blogging fail.

I have tried this before and there is a reason.. I have good excuses for my failure to keep up with blogging. Honestly. I have three kiddos and I've been sick and dealing with sick kiddos and I have laundry and dishes and homeschooling and.. a short attention span. I fail to stick with things. I wish I had all of my ducks in a row but they just keep meandering as soon as I think they're in the right place. Where on earth did that saying come from anyway? There is a prime example of my short attention span. Meandering thoughts. Oh well. I'm impressed I even made it back a second time! Hopefully I'll meander my thoughts back this way again soon.